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A Fluid New Path in Grand Math Challenge

February 24, 2014

A daring speculation offers a potential way forward in one of the great unsolved problems of mathematics: the behavior of the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flow.

Scientists Reveal Structure of Pain Sensor

February 20, 2014

Scientists have finally resolved the structure of the molecule that responds to chili peppers, high temperatures and spider toxins.

Big Bang Secrets Swirling in a Fluid Universe

February 12, 2014

With a new approach that treats the universe as a fluid, cosmologists plan to tease out the fine details of the Big Bang from its behavior and evolution.

Chemists Seek Possible Precursor to RNA

February 5, 2014

Scientists have discovered building blocks similar to those in modern RNA that can effortlessly assemble when mixed in water and heated.

Perfecting the Art of Sensible Nonsense

January 30, 2014

In a watershed moment for cryptography, computer scientists have proposed a solution to a fundamental problem called “program obfuscation.”

A New Physics Theory of Life

January 22, 2014

An MIT physicist has proposed the provocative idea that life exists because the law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire lifelike physical properties.

Under Pressure, Does Evolution Evolve?

January 15, 2014

Some organisms respond to stress by driving up their mutation rate. Are they evolving specific mechanisms to enhance evolution in times of crisis?

A Missing Genetic Link in Human Evolution

January 2, 2014

Mysterious episodes of genetic duplication in our great ape ancestors may have paved the way for human evolution.

A New Tool to Help Mathematicians Pack

December 20, 2013

Improvements in how densely spheres and other shapes can be packed together could lead to advances in materials science, deep space communication and theoretical physics.

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