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Experimental physics
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Why the Best Place to Find Dark Matter May Be in a Rock
Dark matter may occasionally interact with minerals in the earth, leaving telltale tracks that physicists hope to decipher.
Universal Quantum Phenomenon Found in Strange Metals
Experiments suggest that exotic superconducting materials share a “strange metal” state characterized by a quantum speed limit that somehow acts as a fundamental organizing principle.
Famous Experiment Dooms Alternative to Quantum Weirdness
Oil droplets guided by “pilot waves” have failed to reproduce the results of the quantum double-slit experiment, crushing a century-old dream that there exists a single, concrete reality.
Three Major Physics Discoveries and Counting
Sau Lan Wu spent decades working to establish the Standard Model of particle physics. Now she’s searching for what lies beyond it.
Neutrinos Linked With Cosmic Source for the First Time
High-energy neutrinos have been traced back to a flaring supermassive black hole known as a blazar. The long-sought link opens the door to an entirely new way to study the universe.
Mathematicians Tame Turbulence in Flattened Fluids
By squeezing fluids into flat sheets, researchers can get a handle on the strange ways that turbulence feeds energy into a system instead of eating it away.
Real-Life Schrödinger’s Cats Probe the Boundary of the Quantum World
Recent experiments have put relatively large objects into quantum states, illuminating the processes by which the ordinary world emerges out of the quantum one.
Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle
An experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago has detected far more electron neutrinos than predicted — a possible harbinger of a revolutionary new elementary particle called the sterile neutrino, though many physicists remain skeptical.
Ultra-Accurate Clocks Lead Search for New Laws of Physics
Atomic clocks are letting physicists tighten the lasso around elusive phenomena such as dark matter.