Natalie Wolchover

Natalie Wolchover

Senior Editor

Latest Articles

Peering Into the Early Universe

March 7, 2013

Three “extremely large telescopes” poised to begin observations within a decade could help answer some of the universe’s oldest and best-kept secrets.

In Computers We Trust?

February 22, 2013

As the role of computers in pure mathematics grows, researchers debate their reliability.

In Mysterious Pattern, Math and Nature Converge

February 5, 2013

All complex correlated systems, from Arctic melt ponds to the Internet, appear to be governed by the same math as a random matrix.

Hunger Game: Is Honesty Between Animals Always the Best Policy?

January 9, 2013

Game theorists have developed a new model of communication among animals. It suggests evolution will produce a situation in which members of a species are honest most of the time, but not always.

Classical Computing Embraces Quantum Ideas

December 18, 2012

Computer scientists are finding that “thinking quantumly” can lead to new insights into long-standing problems in classical computer science, mathematics and cryptography, regardless of whether quantum computers ever materialize.

A Primordial Nucleus Behind the Elements of Life

December 4, 2012

Using supercomputers and new mathematical techniques, physicists are working to reveal how the Hoyle state atomic nucleus gives rise to the light elements that enable life, and how it drives the evolution of stars.

As Supersymmetry Fails Tests, Physicists Seek New Ideas

November 20, 2012

As the elegant theory of supersymmetry continues to fail experimental tests, physicists debate whether to change course and what the future holds for particle physics.

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