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Rediet Abebe on Using Algorithms for Social Justice

April 5, 2021

The computer scientist Rediet Abebe’s passion for applied mathematics closely aligns with her passion to solve problems with poverty and social inequality.

A Poet of Computation Who Uncovers Distant Truths

August 1, 2018

The theoretical computer scientist Constantinos Daskalakis has won the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize for explicating core questions in game theory and machine learning.

In Game Theory, No Clear Path to Equilibrium

July 18, 2017

John Nash’s notion of equilibrium is ubiquitous in economic theory, but a new study shows that it is often impossible to reach efficiently.

All Is Not Fair in Cake-Cutting and Math

October 7, 2016

When divvying something up, there's more than one way to define what's fair.

How to Cut Cake Fairly and Finally Eat It Too

October 6, 2016

Computer scientists have come up with a bounded algorithm that can fairly divide a cake among any number of people.

The Neuroscience Behind Bad Decisions

August 23, 2016

Irrationality may be a consequence of the brain’s ravenous energy needs.

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