Latest Articles
Decoding Flu Viruses Before an Outbreak
Machine learning techniques are helping scientists pinpoint the mutations that allow bird and pig viruses to infect humans.
The Proof in the Quantum Pudding
How do you know if a quantum computer is doing what it claims? A new protocol offers a possible solution and a boost to quantum cryptography.
In Natural Networks, Strength in Loops
In the complex architecture that ferries fluids in plants and brains, scientists are finding a model of resilience.
Physicists Close In on ‘Perfect’ Optical Lens
Researchers are making progress toward a “perfect lens” that will be able to resolve an organelle assembling a protein or a virus attacking a cell.
On the Microbial Frontier, Cooperation Thrives
Population expansion may be a major driver in the evolution of cooperation, with implications for new antibiotics, cancer treatments and perhaps even human behavior.
In Pursuit of Quantum Biology With Birgitta Whaley
An interview with the Berkeley chemist K. Birgitta Whaley on the promise and challenge of translating quantum biology into practical quantum devices.
As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like Us
Studies show that computer models called "neural networks" behave strikingly similar to actual brains when performing certain tasks, suggesting the two may learn in the same way.
In the Hunt for Dark Matter, Promises to Keep?
Whispers of the elusive particles are becoming stronger with a series of signals that appear to be zeroing in on a leading contender.
The Surprising Origins of Life’s Complexity
Scientists are exploring how organisms can evolve elaborate structures without Darwinian selection.