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The Quantum Secret to Superconductivity
...matte-black ceramic in a class of materials called cuprates that are the most potent superconductors known. The findings, reported today in the journal Nature, provide a major clue about the...
After Black Holes Collide, a Puzzling Flash
...of black holes that ultimately merge into one. A similar scenario has been used to explain how colliding black holes could create a gamma-ray burst. “To produce a gamma-ray burst...
Michael Atiyah’s Imaginative State of Mind
...comes from the entire mass of the universe. It doesn’t cancel itself out, it doesn’t have positive or negative value, it all adds up. So however far away the black...
Janna Levin’s Theory of Doing Everything way of your research on black holes. Could you talk about this concept you’ve been developing — the black-hole battery? It started really naively. A neutron star has a...
A Glimpse Through a Cosmic Keyhole
...galaxies, meaning that they have jets of material streaming out in two directions, probably powered by the supermassive black holes spinning at the galaxies’ centers. (The jets emit radio light...
LIGO Reports Second Black-Hole Merger
...grew from the merger of small black holes, or if big black holes are formed in massive supernovae explosions of stars.” SXS Collaboration Update: Watch this simulation from the Simulating...
Mining Black Hole Collisions for New Physics hole. If you were to measure spin versus mass of black holes, you should see that in a certain mass range for black holes you see no quickly rotating...
Moonshine Master Toys With String Theory hole. Absolutely. You can ask about the information paradox or properties of various types of black holes, like realistic astrophysical black holes or supersymmetric black holes that come out...
Colliding Black Holes Tell New Story of Stars
...The mystery, she explained, is twofold: How did the black holes get so massive, considering that stars, some of which collapse to form black holes, typically blow off most of...