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Paradoxical Crystal Baffles Physicists
...Lifshitz-Kosevich formula was presaged in 2010 by Sean Hartnoll and Diego Hofman, both then at Harvard University, in a paper that recast strongly correlated materials as higher-dimensional black holes, those...
Theories of Everything, Mapped
...a single framework. In their day-to-day work, though, many physicists focus more on rooting out dark matter, solving the Standard Model’s hierarchy problem, and pondering the goings-on in black holes,...
Searching the Sky for the Wobbles of Gravity
...waves, and when they merge, they form a black hole. We also think that there could be lots of medium-size black holes that do this dance and coalesce to form...
The Physical Origin of Universal Computing
...the evaporation of black holes. But even without a quantum theory of gravity, we can ask whether computers can efficiently simulate the best theories of modern physics — the Standard...
A Fight for the Soul of Science
...interconnections,” as Dawid has termed them, in a paper read in Munich in his absence. String theory explains the entropy of black holes, for example, and, in a surprising discovery...
String Theory Meets Loop Quantum Gravity
...requiring a black hole to let information escape would destroy the delicate structure of empty space around the black hole’s horizon, thereby creating a highly energetic barrier — a black...
Taming Superconductors With String Theory apply his insights to high-temperature superconductors themselves. Quanta Magazine spoke with Sachdev about how the electrons in high-temperature superconductors are related to black holes, his recent success with graphene,...
Gravitational Waves Discovered at Long Last
...whispers of these black-hole origin stories. Judging by its shape and size, that first, loudest chirp originated about 1.3 billion light-years away from the location where two black holes, each...
From Einstein’s Theory to Gravity’s Chirp
...reason we can see it from the two black holes is that they are closer together than two stars could ever be. The black holes are so tiny and yet...