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Physicists Pinpoint the Quantum Origin of the Greenhouse Effect

August 7, 2024

Carbon dioxide’s powerful heat-trapping effect has been traced to a quirk of its quantum structure. The finding may explain climate change better than any computer model.

Simple Equation Predicts the Shapes of Carbon-Capturing Wetlands

May 28, 2024

To calculate the amount of carbon stored inside peatlands, researchers developed a unified theory of “bog physics” applicable around the world.

Inside Scientists’ Life-Saving Prediction of the Iceland Eruption

February 20, 2024

The Reykjanes Peninsula has entered a new volcanic era. Innovative efforts to map and monitor the subterranean magma are saving lives.

Deep Beneath Earth’s Surface, Clues to Life’s Origins

January 4, 2024

Last spring, scientists retrieved a trove of mantle rocks from underneath the Atlantic seafloor — a bounty that could help write the first chapter of life's story on Earth.


The Scientist Who Decodes the Songs of Undersea Volcanoes

November 8, 2023

In the rumbles and groans of underwater volcanoes, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach finds her favorite harmonies — and clues to the Earth’s interior.

These Moons Are Dark and Frozen. So How Can They Have Oceans?

November 2, 2023

The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn appear to have subsurface oceans — tantalizing targets in the search for life beyond Earth. But it’s not clear why these seas exist at all.

Exoplanets Could Help Us Learn How Planets Make Magnetism

August 7, 2023

New observations of a faraway rocky world that might have its own magnetic field could help astronomers understand the seemingly haphazard magnetic fields swaddling our solar system’s planets.

Secrets of the Moon’s Permanent Shadows Are Coming to Light

April 28, 2022

Robots are about to venture into the sunless depths of lunar craters to investigate ancient water ice trapped there, while remote studies find hints about how water arrives on rocky worlds.

Scientists Unravel How the Tonga Volcano Caused Worldwide Tsunamis

April 13, 2022

The Tonga eruption in January was “basically like Krakatoa 2.” This time, geophysicists could explain the tiny tsunamis that cropped up all over the planet, solving a 139-year-old mystery about Tonga’s predecessor.

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