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A New Design for Cryptography’s Black Box
A recent cryptographic breakthrough has proven difficult to put into practice. But new advances show how near-perfect computer security might be surprisingly close at hand.
The Rise of Computer-Aided Explanation
Computers can translate French and prove mathematical theorems. But can they make deep conceptual insights into the way the world works?
The New Laws of Explosive Networks
Researchers are uncovering the hidden laws that reveal how the Internet grows, how viruses spread, and how financial bubbles burst.
Decoding the Remarkable Algorithms of Ants
The biologist Deborah Gordon has uncovered how ant colonies search efficiently without central organization, an insight that might improve computer networks.
Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?
The Fields medalist Vladimir Voevodsky has died at 51. This 2015 article describes his computer-aided quest to eliminate human error and rewrite the century-old rules underlying all of mathematics.
Concerns of an Artificial Intelligence Pioneer
Computer scientist Stuart Russell wants to ensure that our increasingly intelligent machines remain aligned with human values.
Quantum Computing Without Qubits
A quantum computing pioneer explains why the near future of quantum computation may lie in simulators, not general-purpose quantum machines.
A Common Logic to Seeing Cats and Cosmos
New research suggests physicists, computers and brains employ the same procedure to tease out important features from among other irrelevant bits of data.
A Grand Vision for the Impossible
Subhash Khot’s bold conjecture is helping mathematicians explore the precise limits of computation.