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Number theory

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A Chemist Shines Light on a Surprising Prime Number Pattern

May 14, 2018

When a crystallographer treated prime numbers as a system of particles, the resulting diffraction pattern created a new view of existing conjectures in number theory.

Robert Langlands, Mathematical Visionary, Wins the Abel Prize

March 20, 2018

Generations of researchers have pursued his “Langlands program,” which seeks to create a grand unified theory of mathematics.

Mathematicians Crack the Cursed Curve

December 7, 2017

A famously difficult mathematical problem resisted solution for over 40 years. Mathematicians have finally resolved it by following an intuition that links number theory to physics.

Secret Link Uncovered Between Pure Math and Physics

December 1, 2017

An eminent mathematician reveals that his advances in the study of millennia-old mathematical questions owe to concepts derived from physics.

Moonshine Link Discovered for Pariah Symmetries

September 22, 2017

A type of symmetry so unusual that it was called a “pariah” turns out to have deep connections to number theory.


Kaisa Matomäki Dreams of Primes

July 20, 2017

Kaisa Matomäki has proved that properties of prime numbers over long intervals hold over short intervals as well. The techniques she uses have transformed the study of these elusive numbers.

Yitang Zhang’s Santa Barbara Beach Walk

June 15, 2017

An obscure number theorist who became an overnight sensation with a major proof about the gaps between prime numbers now finds quiet inspiration walking along the Pacific Coast.

The Almost-Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem

March 3, 2017

19th-century mathematicians thought the “roots of unity” were the key to solving Fermat’s Last Theorem. Then they discovered a fatal flaw.

New Number Systems Seek Their Lost Primes

March 2, 2017

For centuries, mathematicians tried to solve problems by adding new values to the usual numbers. Now they’re investigating the unintended consequences of that tinkering.

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