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Newly Measured Particle Seems Heavy Enough to Break Known Physics

April 7, 2022

A new analysis of W bosons suggests these particles are significantly heavier than predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.

Mitochondria Double as Tiny Lenses in the Eye

April 5, 2022

The optical properties of mitochondrial bundles in the retina may improve how efficiently the eye captures light.

Father-Son Team Solves Geometry Problem With Infinite Folds

April 4, 2022

The result could help researchers answer a larger question about flattening objects from the fourth dimension to the third dimension.

Dennis Sullivan, Uniter of Topology and Chaos, Wins the Abel Prize

March 23, 2022

The American mathematician invented entire new ways to understand shapes and spaces.

A New Tool for Finding Dark Matter Digs Up Nothing

March 21, 2022

Physicists are devising clever new ways to exploit the extreme sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors like LIGO. But so far, they’ve seen no signs of exotica.

An Antimatter Experiment Shows Surprises Near Absolute Zero

March 16, 2022

An experiment conducted on hybrid matter-antimatter atoms has defied researchers’ expectations.

Math’s ‘Oldest Problem Ever’ Gets a New Answer

March 9, 2022

A new proof significantly strengthens a decades-old result about the ubiquity of ways to represent whole numbers as sums of unit fractions.

Peptides on Stardust May Have Provided a Shortcut to Life

March 8, 2022

The discovery that short peptides can form spontaneously on cosmic dust hints at more of a role for them in the earliest stages of life’s origin, on Earth or elsewhere.

In New Math Proofs, Artificial Intelligence Plays to Win

March 7, 2022

A new computer program fashioned after artificial intelligence systems like AlphaGo has solved several open problems in combinatorics and graph theory.

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