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How This Marine Worm Can Tell Moonglow From Sunbeams

December 19, 2023

For the first time, scientists have decoded the molecular structure of a protein that helps to sync a biological clock to the phases of the moon.

In Our Cellular Clocks, She’s Found a Lifetime of Discoveries

October 10, 2023

For decades, Carrie Partch has led pioneering structural research on the protein clockwork that keeps time for our circadian rhythm. Is time still on her side?

What Makes Life Tick? Mitochondria May Keep Time for Cells

September 18, 2023

Every species develops at its own unique tempo, leaving scientists to wonder what governs their timing. A suite of new findings suggests that cells use basic metabolic processes as clocks.

How a Human Smell Receptor Works Is Finally Revealed

May 1, 2023

After decades of frustration, researchers have determined how an airborne scent molecule links to a human smell receptor.

What Causes Alzheimer’s? Scientists Are Rethinking the Answer.

December 8, 2022

After decades in the shadow of the reigning model for Alzheimer’s disease, alternative explanations are finally getting the attention they deserve.

Bacteria’s Immune Sensors Reveal a Novel Way to Detect Viruses

August 29, 2022

A new study reveals that bacteria can fight viruses in a surprisingly elegant way that has no known counterpart in more complex life.

Protein Blobs Linked to Alzheimer’s Affect Aging in All Cells

June 28, 2022

Protein buildups like those seen around neurons in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain diseases occur in all aging cells, a new study suggests. Learning their significance may reveal new strategies for treating age-related diseases.

How Could Life Evolve From Cyanide?

June 1, 2022

How did life arise on Earth? Steven Strogatz speaks with the Nobel Prize-winning biologist Jack Szostak and Betül Kaçar, a paleogeneticist and astrobiologist, to explore our best understanding of how we all got here.

Life’s First Peptides May Have Grown on RNA Strands

May 24, 2022

RNA and peptides coevolving in the primordial world might have jointly served as a precursor to the modern ribosome.

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