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Even a Single Bacterial Cell Can Sense the Seasons Changing

October 11, 2024

Though they live only a few hours before dividing, bacteria can anticipate the approach of cold weather and prepare for it. The discovery suggests that seasonal tracking is fundamental to life.

Cells Across the Tree of Life Exchange ‘Text Messages’ Using RNA

September 16, 2024

Cells across the tree of life can swap short-lived messages encoded by RNA — missives that resemble a quick text rather than a formal memo on letterhead.

The Cellular Secret to Resisting the Pressure of the Deep Sea

September 9, 2024

Cell membranes from comb jellies reveal a new kind of adaptation to the deep sea: curvy lipids that conform to an ideal shape under pressure.

The Physics of Cold Water May Have Jump-Started Complex Life

July 24, 2024

When seawater gets cold, it gets viscous. This fact could explain how single-celled ocean creatures became multicellular when the planet was frozen during “Snowball Earth,” according to experiments.

Most Life on Earth Is Dormant, After Pulling an ‘Emergency Brake’

June 5, 2024

Many microbes and cells are in deep sleep, waiting for the right moment to activate. Biologists discovered a widespread protein that abruptly shuts down a cell’s activity — and turns it back on just as fast.

How ‘Idle’ Egg Cells Defend Their DNA From Damage

May 13, 2024

How do immature egg cells maintain genetic quality for decades before they mature? Scientists find unusual safeguards in this quiescent cell that may inform research into fertility.

Viruses Finally Reveal Their Complex Social Life

April 11, 2024

New research has uncovered a social world of viruses full of cheating, cooperation and other intrigues, suggesting that viruses make sense only as members of a community.

Cellular Self-Destruction May Be Ancient. But Why?

March 6, 2024

How did cells evolve a process to end their own lives? Recent research suggests that apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, first arose billions of years ago in bacteria with a primitive sociality.

A ‘Lobby’ Where a Molecule Mob Tells Genes What to Do

February 14, 2024

Highly repetitive regions of junk DNA may be the key to a newly discovered mechanism for gene regulation.

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